Versiti - Thomas Failing | Impact Stories

Thomas Failing

Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) matched platelets donor.

Thomas Failing

Thomas Failing is committed to helping others in need. When Versiti contacted him and said he was one of only two perfect matches for a leukemia patient in need of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) matched platelets, he immediately said yes.

In the last year, he has donated HLA matched platelets 15 times to benefit Kathy, whose body cannot make enough platelets. “As soon as I get the platelets, my numbers go up,” she says. “From there, it’ll steadily decrease. But it gives me more time with my family, and that’s all we can ask for.”

Two of Versiti’s volunteer drivers help Thomas’ platelets make the trip from Michigan to Illinois, where Kathy lives. “Versiti got us together to extend her life,” Thomas says. “It’s a wonderful blessing.”

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