Versiti - Fellowships & Awards | Versiti Blood Research Institute

Fellowships & Awards

Fellowships and awards available to graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.


Versiti Blood Research Institute offers a number of fellowships and awards to graduate students and post-doctorate fellows. Fellowship opportunities are also available through external funding resources, including the Medical College of Wisconsin’s Cardiovascular Center and Cancer Center

These awards support excellence in science and continue Versiti Blood Research Institute’s legacy of excellence and learning by recruiting and retaining the best and brightest individuals to our research program. These supplements will be awarded throughout the post-doctoral fellow’s tenure on the fellowship.

Duration: 1-2 years

 The Director’s Fellowship Award was established in 2011 by J. Scott and Genevieve Harkness.

  • Research focus: unrestricted
  • Mechanism: salary supplement intended to help attract postdoctoral fellows to Versiti Blood Research Institute
  • Amount: $7,500 (salary and fringe)/year for two years
  • Eligibility: postdoctoral fellow
  • Citizenship: unrestricted
  • Current recipients: Heather Ashwood, PhD; Katherine Badior, PhD; Amy Siebert-McKenzie, PhD
  • Past recipients: Alison Meyer, PhD; Alyssa Moroi, PhD; Ryan Zander, PhD; Melissa Lee-Sundlov, PhD

In addition to reporting requirements, fellows and mentors are expected to participate in meetings and tours with benefactors, advisory board members and program officials, as requested.

Interested applicants should request more information at

T32 Training Program
The T32 Fellowship supports postdoctoral research training in transfusion medicine, hematology research and clinical laboratory science research.
Translational GlycOmics K12 Program
Translational glycoscience research program that supports scientists in the emerging field of glycoscience research and investigation.
VBRI Education
Versiti Blood Research Institute researchers and staff have access to medical research seminars, fellowships, training opportunities and more.
Join Versiti Blood Research Institute
Versiti Blood Research Institute, located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, includes basic and clinical researchers in a variety of blood health fields.
Scientific Programs
Scientific research and training are important parts of Versiti’s mission. Our research programs involve basic and clinical scientists at Versiti Blood Research Institute.
Our Experts
Research investigators, postdoctoral fellows and laboratory staff at Versiti Blood Research Institute and Diagnostic Laboratories.
Versiti Blood Research Institute
Versiti Blood Research Institute investigators study blood disorders like hemophilia, blood cancers like leukemia, and other blood diseases.