Versiti - L. William Cashdollar, PhD | Versiti Blood Research Institute

L. William Cashdollar, PhD

L. William  L. William  profile

L. William Cashdollar, PhD

Director, Core Laboratories, Investigator

Adjunct Associate Professor
Department of Microbiology & Immunology
Medical College of Wisconsin

Education and Training

Postdoctoral Training
Duke University, 1981

Doctoral Training
West Virginia University Medical School, 1978

Undergraduate Education
B.A. Biology, Washington and Jefferson College, 1973

Contact Information

Dr. Cashdollar has provided management of the Core Laboratories at the Versiti Blood Research Institute since 2000. The Research Core Laboratories provide specialized research services to investigators, along with the latest technology in equipment and software. The Core facilities are staffed by specialists and technologists with a high level of expertise in the various technologies provided by the Core labs.

Prior to assuming this role Dr. Cashdollar’s career focused on research in virology. He was involved in the first attempts to clone genes from viruses of the reovirus family and later studied the interaction of viruses and the immune system.

Throughout his career Dr. Cashdollar has maintained an interest in education. He has taught medical and graduate students at the Medical College of Wisconsin for 35 years.  He was recently recognized for his role in establishing the Summer Program for Undergraduate Research (SPUR) at the Medical College of Wisconsin.

  • Molecular & Cellular Mechanisms in Transfusion Medicine, NIH/NHLBI. Role: Core B, Director. December 2010 – November 2015; $206,133.
  • Spinning disk confocal microscope system for intravital imaging, NIH/SIG. Role: PI. April 2014 – May 2015; $428,474.

Erin Yttre
Senior Coordinator, Shared Resources and Lab Operations

Trudy Holyst
Senior Research Technologist, Protein Core, Single Cell Core, Shared Instruments

Savannah Neu, PhD
Senior Coordinator, Flow Cytometry Core 

Kelly Beck, MLS (ASCP) 
Flow Cytometry Specialist, Flow Cytometry Core

Marie Schulte, PhD
Imaging Specialist, Microscopic Imaging Core

Kelsey Benton, PhD
Imaging Specialist, Microscopic Imaging Core 

Nicole Leon, HTL (ASCP)
Senior Coordinator, Histology Core

Brad Best
Senior Research Technologist, Vector Core

Eric Michalski
Research Technologist II, Single Cell Core, Vector Core, Shared Instruments 

Jeremy Mattson,
Senior Research Technologist, Thrombosis & Hemostasis Core 

Irene Hernandez
Senior Research Technologist, Hybridoma Core

Zachary Dumar
Research Technologist II, Biorepository Core

  1. Cashdollar, L.W. and Yelton, D.B.Phenotypic Transformation of the Host Cell Enhances Polyoma Pseudovirion Formation.Journal of Virology,35:845‑901, 1980.
  2. Cashdollar, L.W., Esparza, J., Hudson, G.R., Chmelo, R., Lee, P.W.K. and Joklik, W.K.Cloning the Double‑stranded RNA Genes of Reovirus:The Sequence of the Cloned S2 Gene.Proceedings of the National Academy  of Sciences, USA.79:7644‑7648, 1982.
  3. Laszlo, J., Huang, A., Brenckman, W., Jeffs, C., Koren, H., Cianciolo, G., Metzgar, R., Cashdollar, W., Cox, E., Buckley, C.E., Tso, C.Y., and Lucas, V.S.Pharmacologic and Immunologic Studies on Human Lymphoblastoid Interferon Given to Patients with Cancer:A Phase I Study.Cancer Research43:4458‑4466, 1983.
  4. Esparza, J., Cashdollar, L.W., Hudson, G.R., Lee, P.W.K., Chmelo, R., and Joklik, W.K.Studies on Cloned Reovirus Genes.  In: Double Stranded RNA Viruses, pages 27‑34, R.W. Compans and D.H.L. Bishop (eds.), Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc., 1983.
  5. Gorziglia, M., Cashdollar, L.W., Hudson, G.R., and Esparza, J.Molecular Cloning of a Human Rotavirus Genome.Journal of General Virology,64:2585‑2595, 1983.
  6. Cashdollar, L.W., Chmelo, R., Esparza, J., Hudson, R.G., and Joklik, W.K. Molecular Cloning of the Complete Genome of Reovirus Serotype 3.Virology133:191‑196, 1984.
  7. Cashdollar, L.W., Chmelo, R.A., Wiener, J.R. and Joklik, W.K.Sequences of the S1 Genes of the Three Serotypes of Reovirus.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 82:24‑28, 1985.
  8. Cashdollar, L.W., Blair, P., and Van Dyne, S.Identification of the 1S Protein in Reovirus Serotype 2-Infected Cells With Antibody Prepared Against a Bacterial Fusion Protein. Virology168:183-186, 1989.
  9. Yeung, M.C., Lim, D., Duncan R., Shahrabadi, M.S., Cashdollar, L.W., and Lee, P.W.K. The Cell Attachment Proteins of Type 1 and 3 Reovirus are Differentially Susceptible to Trypsin and Chymotrypsin.Virology170:62-70, 1989.
  10. Duncan, R., Horne, D., Cashdollar, L.W., Joklik, W.K., and Lee, P.W.K. Identification of Conserved Domains in the Cell Attachment Proteins of the Three Serotypes of Reovirus.Virology174:399-409, 1990.
  11. Leone, G., Duncan, R., Mah, D.C.W., Price, A., Cashdollar, L.W., and Lee, P.W.K.The N- Terminal Heptad Repeat Region of Reovirus Cell Attachment Protein 1 Is Responsible For 1 Oligomer Stability and Possesses Intrinsic Oligomerization Function.Virology182:336-345, 1991.
  12. Hogan, K.T. and Cashdollar, L.W.Clonal Analysis of the Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Response to Reovirus.Viral Immunology, 4:167-175, 1991.
  13. Cashdollar, L.W. Characterization and structural localization of the reovirus 3 protein. Research in Virology145:277-285, 1994.
  14. Hoffman, L.M., Hogan, K.T., and Cashdollar, L.W.The Reovirus Nonstructural Protein 1NS is recognized by Murine Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes.J. Virology 70:8160-8164, 1996.
  15. Grossberg, S.E., Kushnaryov, V.M., Cashdollar, L.W., Raisch, K.P., Miller, G., and Sun, H-Y.A Human B-lymphoblastoid Cell Line Constitutively Producing Epstein-Barr Herpesvirus and JHK Retrovirus.Research in Virology, 148:191-206, 1997.
  16. Olson, L.J., Cashdollar, L.W., Ho, B.Y., and Drewett, J.G.Functional Active Catalytic Domain is Essential for Guanylyl Cyclase-linked Receptor Mediated Inhibition of Human Aldosterone Synthesis.Molecular Pharmacology,54:761-769, 1998.
  17. Raisch, K.P., Cashdollar, L.W., Kushnaryov, V., and Grossberg, S.E.Constitutive Production of a Murine Leukemia Virus in a Human EBV-Negative Lymphoblastoid Cell Line, DG-75.Virology250:135-139, 1998.
  18. Raisch, K.P., Pizzato, M., Sun, H-Y., Takeuchi, Y., Cashdollar, L.W., and Grossberg, S.E. Molecular cloning, complete sequence, and biological characterization of a xenotropic murine leukemia virus constitutively released from the human B-lymphoblastoid cell line DG-75. Virology, 308:83 91, 2003.
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