Versiti - Promotions and Sweepstakes

Promotions and Sweepstakes

Upcoming promotions and sweepstakes for our awesome donors!

Active Promotions and Sweepstakes

We couldn’t continue our lifesaving mission without the help of our generous donors. That’s why we’re happy to provide promotions, sweepstakes and giveaways as our way of saying thank you. You keep the pulse of our community strong; it’s because of your generosity that local patients have the blood they need to feel healthy.

MI Football Playoffs Sweepstakes

Laura S. - Grand Haven, MI
“I know there's a really dire need for blood, and I am more than happy to give back with something that I am blessed with.”

Gabriel O. - Bay City, MI

One Pride Blood Drive Sweepstakes

Kilee W. 2024 One Pride Blood Drive Sweepstakes Winner

Kilee W.
“I donate blood because working in the Medical Field as an RN, you hear so much about blood shortages. I wanted to be able to help in another way besides at the bedside!”

Julie W.
This year, we decided to donate blood for the first time, inspired by our love for the Lions and their recent success! After years of cheering them on, we finally took the step to give back, and it was easier than we thought. In fact, it didn’t hurt at all, and knowing that one donation can save up to 3 lives made the experience so rewarding!

OSU Blood Battle Schottenstein Center Sweepstakes

Felicia G - OSU Blood Battle Stadium Sweeps Winner

Felecia G. - Grove City, OH

“I donate blood because it allows me to make a meaningful impact on others during their medical emergencies, offering compassion and support when it's needed most”

Todd D. Ohio Stadium Sweeps Winner

Todd D. – Delaware, OH
“I am almost embarrassed to say that I never really considered donating blood until our youngest child was diagnosed with extreme hemophilia. Once we joined that community, I quickly realized how important blood donations were and that there is a constant shortage. It has inspired me to help as many people as I can, including people like our son. I figured, if our young son can brave his weekly shot and various doctor's appointments, then I can certainly handle a little discomfort while donating blood, knowing it is for a good cause.”

MI Thanksgiving Football Sweepstakes

Angela B.
“I give blood because I love to help people. I have O+ and I know that can help a lot of people.”

Grill Sweepstakes

Christopher D. Winner of a Weber Genesis Grill

MI - Christopher D.

“I donate because it's something people need, and all it really takes from me is time. I'll gladly catch up on some reading while giving something back to the community.”

OSU Blood Battle Schottenstein Center Sweepstakes

Linda P. – Radnor, OH

OSU Signed Swag Sweepstakes

Tammy E. - Columbus, OH

Tammy E. – Columbus, OH
"I give blood to help save lives and because having diversity in blood donors helps more people receive the blood they need."e;

Abbie S. – Columbus, OH

Abbie S. – Columbus, OH
"I donate as a thank you to all the people that selflessly donated when my dad needed daily platelet transfusions for over a month. I also donate as a way to give the gift of life and my health to those fighting health struggles and dire situations. When a loved one is struggling with their health, the last thing you want to worry about is the availability of blood products to help them recover and keep fighting. I have found that donating platelets has given me a way to make a difference and be a light for someone else in situations where one otherwise feels helpless."e;

Sara C. – Columbus, OH

Sara C. – Columbus, OH
"When my sister needed transfusions, I realized how important it was that the blood was immediately available. I donate to make sure that there is blood available for those in need."e;

Tim M. - Dublin, OH

Tim M. – Dublin, OH

Tanti S. – Columbus, OH
Natalie S. – Grove City, OH
Claire Y. – West Chester, OH

Fill Your Fridge Sweepstakes

Rosalie C.

Rosalie C.
"There is always a need for blood and I’m happy to positively contribute in a way that can help other people."e;

Indiana Fever Friday Sweepstakes

Sarah G. Fever Friday Winner

Sarah G. – Indianapolis, IN
“I donate because I don't see a reason not to. People are always in need of blood and it doesn't cause me any ill effects to donate so I do it as often as I am able.”

Amy S. – Indianapolis, IN

Amy S. – Indianapolis, IN
“There's so much I could say. I started donating at 16 and simply have donated when and where I could ever since. Additionally, my first job out of college was in a blood bank lab, and I've worked in the tissue donation since 2009, currently working at Indiana Donor Network as their Tissue Services Manager. Blood just happens to be one of my favorite tissues.”

Elizabeth K. – Greenwod, IN

Elizabeth K. – Greenwood, IN
“I donate every 56 days because I know the immeasurable impact it can have on others - such a simple task on my part for such a great reward to so many others!”

Mow for Life Sweepstakes

Kelly F - Mow for Life WI Winner

Kelly F. – WI

Kenneth W - Mow for Life Winner MI

Kenneth W. – MI
"It gives me redeeming social value." More seriously, I am an attorney, and as such, a lot of people probably don't think much of me. Giving blood is my way of showing that I care for others, and not just those that put money in my pocket.

Brickyard 400 Sweepstakes

Lynn W

Lynn W. – Carmel, IN
“I am a retired dialysis nurse, and I did RBC exchanges for sickle cell patients and was always thankful for the blood that I used for patients that I know was only possible from donations. So, I’m returning the favor by donating.”

Dennis H.

Dennis H. – Indianapolis, IN
“I’ve been donating blood for about 40 years now and used to donate just to get out of work when the blood mobile would come to my workplace every two months. After 20 years of donating at work management cut out the blood donor program but I still felt the need to give so I decided to keep donating on my own. I realized I wasn’t donating just to get out of work but instead I may be helping save a life.”

Mark S.

Mark S. – Greenwood, IN

Tyler E. Pontoon Boat Winner

He gave blood... and won a boat! Congrats to reoccuring donor Tyler on being the lucky winner of a new pontoon boat in our April sweepstakes. See you on the water!

  • Tyler E. – Hart, MI
    “I donate blood because it is a wonderful way to give back to your community – specifically to those in need.”
  • Mario T. – Oswego, IL

Indiana Live Music Sweepstakes

Martina G. – Brownsburg, IN

Martina G. – Brownsburg, IN
“I donate because it is an easy way to help someone in need!”

February Weekend Getaway Sweepstakes

Beth B. Plain City, OH

Beth B. – Plain City, OH
“I donate blood because I have several family members and friends who have needed blood and/or transfusions over the years. The fact that there was a life-saving supply in hand was a fabulous gift. My donations are a way of paying it forward for whoever needs the same.”

Leah P. Bloomington, IN

Leah P. – Bloomington, IN
“I donate blood because it saves lives, and that’s a great feeling.”

May Make A Splash Sweepstakes

Beth B. Plain City, OH

Kristin B. – Phillips, WI
“I donate blood because between the person donating and the person receiving, my part is easy.”

Beth B. Plain City, OH

Emma M. – Columbus, OH
“I donate blood because it is the chance to do something incredible for a fellow human being at no cost to yourself. It’s the opportunity to give a complete stranger what they need to live.”

Beth B. Plain City, OH

Jessica R. – Crawfordsville, IN
“I have been donating blood since I was 17 and learned that it can help up to three people per donation. I received a blood transfusion when I was five for a serious injury and it saved my life. It brings me great joy to know that I can do my part to help save lives by donating blood like someone did for me.”

Drive to Save Lives Sweepstakes

Steven winning a car in the Drive to Save Lives Sweepstakes

Steven H. - Milwaukee, WI

“I donate blood because of my wife. She has type O blood and has been a blood donor long before we began dating. She encouraged me to donate with her and we have been donating for the last twenty years. We both feel that it is a pretty simple way to help people, and we wish that more people would do it.”

Linda winning a car in the Drive to Save Lives Sweepstakes

Linda B. - Carmel, IN

“Giving blood for me is an anonymous way to help others in need. It’s a small sacrifice on my part that I hope makes an impact for individuals or families that may be dealing with serious medical issues.”

Donate & DIY Sweepstakes
  • Wendy C. – Milwaukee, Wisconsin
    "Since I am a universal donor, I understand how valuable my blood is and I am honored to donate whenever I can."
  • Cindy H. – Fishers, Indiana
    "Donating blood is easy, painless, and just the right thing to do. I’m thankful that my donations are helping someone in need. Every time I donate, I feel thankful that I can give blood and for the staff who’s collecting donations. I also leave feeling hopeful that in some way another person will benefit from it."
  • Joseph B. – Holland, Michigan
    "Since I was old enough, I’ve been donating intermittently as an easy way to help others in need. When my wife’s cousin passed unexpectedly, his parents asked family and friends to donate blood in lieu of flowers or donations. Since then, donating has become a regular part of our family’s routine and we go every eight weeks. I’m grateful to be able to participate in honoring his memory and saving lives."

September Rush in to Donate Sweepstakes
  • Kristin C. – Plainfield, IL
    "I donate because I want to make sure that people who need blood transfusions have access to it. I have the rarest blood type, so I like to think about if I were ever to need a blood transfusion, someone would be kind enough to donate. I’ve also donated plasma and platelets because I know they are important to people with certain health issues."
  • Russell D. – Zionsville, IN "I donate blood because it is quick and easy, and it saves people’s lives."
  • Kenneth S. – Saint Helen, MI "I donate blood because I feel it’s the least I can do to help other people. I feel bad for anyone that needs help and blood can help people in need."
  • Stacie R. – Leesburg, OH "I donate to save lives and provide critical resources for medical treatments, surgeries, and emergencies for those in need."
  • Jennifer P. – Cudahy, WI "I donate blood because I love to help people. Another reason is that I have B- blood and it’s one of the rarest types that is often needed. As a breast cancer survivor who has gone through many surgeries, having blood in case of an emergency is really important."

August Home Entertainment Sweepstakes
  • James C. – Indianapolis, IN
    "Donating platelets is a way to help people in a tough spot. I like to think I’m helping make the world a better place, one donation at a time."
  • Allison W. – Galloway, OH
    "I donate because it’s easy, fast, and convenient to do. I also have one of the more rare blood types. There is only about 2% of the population who have it, so I want to make sure that those people who need it have it available. I like knowing that my donations have benefitted others."
  • John B. – Saint Charles, IL
    "I have donated blood off and on for years throughout my life. I got back into the habit because my son’s friend was diagnosed with leukemia just after graduating high school. I heard he needed blood transfusions as part of his treatment. So I signed up for a local blood drive in my neighborhood. It was a chance to be a hero to someone, even if in just a minor way, and seemed like a pretty good reason to me."

A Year of Streaming Sweepstakes
  • Rebecca C. - Elgin, IL
    "I donate because it's an easy way to care for others. Being a universal and neonatal donor, I love knowing that my blood will quickly be used to help those who need it most!"
  • Kenneth W. - Westerville, OH
    "I give blood for many reasons, but one is the hope to help save another person."

Ride to Save Lives Sweepstakes

Congratulations to our winners of the Ride to Save Lives Sweepstakes.

Brian G won a new Harley Davidson motorcycle in the Ride to Save Lives Sweepstakes.

Brian G. - Mayfield, WI
"I choose to donate blood because as a living kidney donor I want to continue to help other people as long as I can."

Kimberly B won a new Harley Davidson motorcycle in the Ride to Save Lives Sweepstakes.

Kimberly B. - Saginaw, WI
"I donate blood because it is a simple thing I can do to help save lives. The fact that I have O Negative blood makes it even more special knowing I can make a difference for ANYONE! I like to do the things that may seem small, but have a big impact on someone else's life."

Weekend Getaway Sweepstakes Winners

Congratulations to these people who won our Weekend Getaway Sweepstakes.

  • Olivia Hilderbrant - OH
  • Ted Hamacher - IN
  • Mason Gallagher - MI

Electric Bike Sweepstakes Winners
  • Lee Carlson - MI
  • Denise Daugherty - WI
  • Robert Steward - IN

Drive to Save Lives Sweepstakes Winners

Dawn Dake winning a car in the Drive to Save Lives Sweepstakes

Dawn Dake - Oak Creek, WI

Shawn McKenna winning a car in the Drive to Save Lives Sweepstakes

Shawn McKenna - Milwaukee, WI

Patrick Morrow winning a car in the Drive to Save Lives Sweepstakes

Patrick Morrow - Joliet, IL

Jennifer Jeffrey winning a car in the Drive to Save Lives Sweepstakes

Jennifer Jeffrey - Richland, MI


Every day, patients in your community need blood transfusions to survive and thrive. They rely on the generosity of donors like you, who help ensure a safe, healthy blood supply. Make an appointment to donate blood today.

Host A Blood Drive
Blood drive organizations save lives. Learn how to host a blood drive in your community with Versiti.
Where to Donate Blood Near You
There are may options where you can make your blood, platelet, or plasma donation. Your donations provide hospitals in your community with precious blood products that patients desparately need.
About Blood Donation
Donate blood, donate plasma or donate platelets at a blood donation center near you or a blood drive near you. Make an appointment to donate blood today.
Blood Donation FAQs
Read frequently asked questions involving donor eligibility, donation process, blood safety, platelet donation, plasma donation and more.
Importance of Diverse Donors
Diverse blood donations improve blood transfusion outcomes for sickle cell patients and diverse blood recipients. Make an appointment to donate blood.
Beacon Club Loyalty Program
Blood donors of all blood types and blood drive hosts earn rewards in Versiti’s blood center loyalty club. Donate blood or host a blood drive for rewards.
LGBTQ+ Donor Information
Members of the LGBTQ+ community may be able to donate blood, platelets or plasma, provided that they meet FDA eligibility requirements.