Versiti - The Beacon Club O Negative Blood Donors

O- Beat Drop Tune In To Our Frequency

Frequent donations of universal type O negative blood are a lifeline for local patients in need – especially trauma patients. This is one club you’ll want to join!

The Beacon Club for O Negative Blood Donors recognizes and rewards our amazing, lifesaving, universal type O negative blood donors for reaching yearly donation milestones.

Hey, O-, tune into our frequency and feel the beat drop! As the universal blood type, there’s always a need for type O negative blood – so there’s always a need for type O negative blood donors. Local families are counting on you to come back early and often. That why we’ve expanded our Beacon Club program to inspire our loyal O- donors to return frequently throughout the year.

Join the O Negative Beacon Club (a.k.a. O- Beat Drop) today and let your donations speak volumes!

Sarah Gross, cancer survivor and O- Neg and rare blood type donor.

Sarah is an O- donor and received multiple blood transfusions to help her beat cancer. Watch her story.

Universal type O negative blood donors are special and uncommon (less than 10% of our donor population). All year long, especially in times of crisis when the blood supply is low, donations of this blood type are always in demand.

Every day, hospitals and patients of all blood types need your blood. Because O- blood can be given to patients of ANY blood type, O- is carried on ambulances and emergency helicopters as a first line of defense in an accident or other trauma event. It’s especially useful when the blood transplant recipient’s blood type is not known.

O- Facts: Did You Know?

  • 9% of the population have O- blood
  • 8% of Caucasions have O- blood
  • 3.9% of Hispanic Americans have O- blood
  • 3.6% of African Americans have O- blood
  • You can give blood to patients of any blood type – you are the universal donor
  • You can only receive blood from O- donors

Every 2 seconds someone entering the hospital needs blood – and you are the universal blood donor! Since your blood can be given to patients with O- blood or any blood type, some lucky patient will thrive because of you, especially in emergency situations or during times of shortage. It’s also the safest blood type for babies in the NICU.


Patients of any blood type - you are the universal donor

O- donors

Every day, patients in your community need blood transfusions to survive and thrive. They rely on the generosity of donors like you, who help ensure a safe, healthy blood supply. Make an appointment to donate blood today.

Beacon Club Loyalty Program
Blood donors of all blood types and blood drive hosts earn rewards in Versiti’s blood center loyalty club. Donate blood or host a blood drive for rewards.
O Blood Type
Are you type O+ or O-? Learn the facts about what makes your blood type special!
Host A Blood Drive
Blood drive organizations save lives. Learn how to host a blood drive in your community with Versiti.

HIPAA and Other Required Forms

Please download and complete the Media Release Form, HIPAA Release Form, and Public Disclosure of Health Information forms. If you have any questions on how to complete the HIPAA release form please refer to the informational handout. After you have completed the necessary forms upload them using the links below.

Photo Upload

Upload your photos that you would like us to use to feature your story. Please be sure to check the photo use agreement box below the upload options.

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Blood Donation FAQs
Read frequently asked questions involving donor eligibility, donation process, blood safety, platelet donation, plasma donation and more.
Ro Blood Type
Volunteer to donate Ro blood type at a blood donation center near you. Learn how rare Ro blood is and make an appointment to donate Ro blood today.
Where to Donate Blood Near You
There are may options where you can make your blood, platelet, or plasma donation. Your donations provide hospitals in your community with precious blood products that patients desparately need.
Impact Stories
Your blood, organ and tissue, and other donations directly impact lives in your community. Read a few of the examples of some of the lives that have been changed for the better.