Versiti - Colts Leadership Challenge | Versiti Partnerships

2024 Colts Leadership Challenge

The Colts and Versiti are challenging Indiana high school teams to host the biggest blood drive this summer.

Accept our challenge and win $1,000 equipment grant for your team!

Versiti Blood Center of Indiana has partnered with the Indianapolis Colts to inspire Indiana high school teams to host local blood drives this summer.

In Indiana, 560 lifesaving blood donations are needed each day to meet the needs of Versiti’s 80 partner hospitals across the state. In the summer, donations drop nearly 20 percent – creating a massive need for community support.

Join the Challenge
You can contact your Versiti representative, or Joe McGrath.

The Leadership Challenge gives young leaders the chance to make a difference both on and off the field by hosting blood drives between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Participation is easy, and we’ll provide you with all the tools you need to be successful.

How to Win

  • MVP - Top-performing school, collecting the most units of blood
  • Most Improved - Highest increase in units collected from previous year to current year.
  • Rookie of the Year - Top-performing new school


Top teams are eligible to win exciting prizes, including:

  • $1,000 equipment grant from the Indianapolis Colts
  • Colts Leadership Challenge trophy
  • A public announcement to the local press, including mentions on Versiti Blood Center of Indiana and the Colts’ social media pages

Let's Get Started

Contact you local Versiti representative or Joe McGrath to sign up.

Join the Challenge

Blood Donation FAQs
Read frequently asked questions involving donor eligibility, donation process, blood safety, platelet donation, plasma donation and more.
Host A Blood Drive
Blood drive organizations save lives. Learn how to host a blood drive in your community with Versiti.
Indianapolis Colts
We are very grateful for our amazing partnership with the Indianapolis Colts.
Types of Donations
Volunteer to donate blood at a blood donation center near you. Find out how often you can donate blood and make an appointment to donate today.